Awh, this work is under NDA ˙◠˙
If you’re curious about my work, experiences, and learnings at Roblox, feel free to reach out — we can find time to chat :))
Finding my voice as a designer
As this was my first internship in an environment with many stakeholders involved, I learned that it takes a lot to fight for UX, and pushback is inevitable. It’s important to build confidence so that when pushback comes, you can trust your decisions and process. When criticism surfaces, it's an opportunity to explore ways to further solidify your hypothesis, and voice the importance of working towards a shared vision.
Defining a north star
Setting a vision is not easy. It requires forming hypotheses, defining the undefined, and convincing stakeholders that this avenue is worth exploring. In carrying the design forward, I found it helpful to clearly define the problem, establish guiding principles, and assigning owners for outstanding work. Overall, an important piece was taking a step back to think critically about how this vision fits holistically into UX across the platform.
Gaining buy-in from key partners
It takes an entire team to build a product, and finding ways to gain support from partners is incredibly important. As a designer, communication and advocating for user-driven experiences is an integral part of my day to day — we should work to get partners on board and create a shared vision.